How to get rid of a dry itchy scalp
1. Create an essential oil blend by mixing 1 tablespoon of jojoba oil or coconut oil. I prefer jojoba because it absorbs better into the skin. Its not as heavy as coconut oil. Then add 4 drops tea tree oil, 2 drops lavender and 2 drops rosemary. Mix well then apply to dry areas, massage well into the scalp. Wrap hair in towel then wash well with your regular shampoo and conditioner. Use warm water. Hot water will dry out scalp. You can also add 2 drops of jojoba oil to your shampoo to help keep scalp moisturized and prevent shampoo from drying out scalp.
2. Scalp Exfoliant
Mix equal parts baking soda and olive oil together, and massage into your scalp thoroughly. Let it sit for five minutes before washing your hair well with shampoo and conditioner to remove all the residue. You can do this 1x per week.
Making your own DIY Herbal Soft Scrub Cleaner
This herbalist cleaning recipe will keep your home free from harmful toxins and smelling fresh and clean. 🌱
Homemade Herbal Soft Scrub Cleaner
1/2 cup baking soda
1/2 cup Castille soap
15 drops organic rosemary or organic tea tree essential oil
1 tsp. organic vegetable glycerin
Mix all ingredients in glass pint-sized jar until reaching paste-like consistency.
Add vegetable glycerin to keep blend moist.
Use to scrub tubs, sinks, and tile surfaces.
Rinse away with water or a vinegar solution.
Happy & Safe cleaning!🧽🧼
How to Make Herbal Dream Pillows
The practice of placing herbs under one’s pillow dates back centuries and was originally thought to protect against evil, bring good dreams, calm bad dreams, foresee the future, or even conjure a lover into one’s life! No matter the reason, herbal pillows are an easy way to help promote peaceful sleep and encourage dreaming. These pillows are simple to prepare and make a wonderful “crafternoon” with your friends or family. The first step is to create your botanical blend from the lists below or craft your own mixture with fragrant herbs that you find pleasant, calming, or relaxing. Be sure to take notes as you build your blend so you’ll be able to make it again!
The key is to fill your pillows with relaxing aromas that stimulate the senses, but don’t overdo it. Stay away from spicy herbs like peppers. Floral aromas are more calming, and less likely to bother the senses throughout your restful slumber. Choose a combination of these brightly scented herbs:
Organic Catnip
Organic Chamomile
Organic Hops
Organic Lavender
Organic Lemon Balm
Organic Rose petals or whole buds
Organic Rosemary
Organic Cloves
Organic Lemon Verbena
Organic Mugwort
Organic Peppermint or Organic Spearmint
You can also mix in essential oils in small doses like:
Essential oils to try:
Organic clove bud
Organic sweet marjoram
Organic lavender
Rose absolute
Organic Peru Balsam
Organic black spruce
How to Make Herbal Pillows:
Mix together your selected herbs in a large bowl.
If you chose to use essential oils, add one drop at a time and mix well with a spoon, fork, or whisk, adding oil drop-by-drop as needed.
Using a spoon, scoop your herbal pillow blend into a large muslin bag.
Secure tightly.
Place underneath, inside, or beside your pillow before bedtime, and rest easy.
These make great homemade aromatherapy gifts or great to place in a guestroom
or bathroom.
Deep Clean Mattress Recipe
Using essential oils and baking soda to deep clean your mattress.
Sprinkle baking soda. Mix one cup of baking soda with a 4 or 5 drops of lavender essential oil in a bowl, then put the mixture in a strainer. Shake the fragranced baking soda evenly over the entire mattress. Leave the baking soda on the bed until your bedding is finished washing and drying then vaccum up mixture. Or you can use Moist Mattress Refresher.
Use One 16-ounce spray bottle with a trigger. 1 cup of distilled water. 1 cup of white vinegar. 20 drops of essential oils of your choice Suggested oils: 10 drops of Tea Tree essential oil and 10 drops of lemon or lavender essential oil.
Homemade Vaseline
In the winter it seems that everything gets chapped and their isn't much we can do about it. Many of us have used Vaseline in the past but feel we want a healthy alternative that does not have petroleum. Lucky for all of us, we have the option of making a homemade, all natural version of homemade Vaseline. It is easy to whip up! Here's all you need:
Homemade Vaseline Recipe
What You Need:
1 ounce or 1/8 cup Beeswax (I use the yellow bees wax pellets)
1/2 c. olive oil
What to Do:
Mix the ingredients together in a saucepan and heat on a very low heat until the beeswax has melted. While it's warm, pour into a jar or another container. Use as you would Vaseline. This recipe made enough to fill a little half pint glass jelly jar.
You could add several different essential oils to this mixture for various healing properties. I would definitely consider adding either Lavender Oil for very dry skin and eczema.
How to apply:
When you are finished with your quick bath or shower apply the homemade Vaseline in the palm of your hands and rub together then apply to your damp skin in a downward motion. Do not go up and down. This will seal the moisture into your skin and allow your skin to heal. Within a week you will see a big difference!
Making your own Elderberry Syrup. This syrup supports immune function throughout cold and flu season.
Makes about 2½ cups
IMPORTANT Note: Because this recipe contains honey, it should not be used in children under one.
1/2 cup dried or 1 cup fresh elderberries
2 cups distilled water
1 cup raw organic honey
1 cinnamon stick
1. Add water, elderberries and cinnamon to a pot and bring to a boil.
2. Reduce heat and simmer until liquid is reduced by half. This should take around 45 minutes.
3. Strain to remove berries. Allow liquid to cool to room temperature, then stir in honey.
4. Transfer elderberry syrup to a jar and store in the fridge.
Dosage: Children over 1 are usually given ½ – 1 teaspoon per day, while adults usually take about 1½ teaspoons – 1 tablespoon. During illness, the frequency of administration increases to every 2-3 hours until the symptoms resolve.
Shelf life: In my house, a batch lasts an entire winter season
Good morning! I am going to start my day by having a cup of my favorite tea and reading the paper while my face is soaking up my wonderful homemade honey mask. I am attending a wedding today and I want my face to feel clean, fresh and soft. What to join me? The recipe is below:
2 tablespoons of Greek yogurt
1 tablespoon of honey
2-3 drops of lavender oil
Mix together and apply to face. Leave on face for 15-20 mins then rinse with warm water and apply your favorite moisturizer. Enjoy the day.
Frankincense Oil is one of my favorite oils for the winter. It has immune-boosting and purifying properties which can help to prevent you from getting sick during the winter season. Since this is the prime time to catch the common cold or flu, using frankincense regularly is a good idea so that you can get through the season without getting sick. When combined with frequent hand washing, you will find that your immune system is stronger and that you are more resistant to illness.
When the days start to get shorter during this season, some people find themselves feeling a bit down and their energy is not as high as it is during the summer months. Frankincense helps to improve your mood and alleviate anxiety. It also helps to relax you so that you can sleep.
You can use essential oils alone or along with other remedies to keep yourself and your family healthy during the winter months. During these coming months it can be quite difficult to keep yourself from getting sick, but if you keep these oils handy it will surely help. Just make sure to use the oils properly so that you are getting the best protective results.
So many uses and benefits.
2. It helps your body maintain a healthy alkaline pH level. (This is my main reason for taking. I have a lack of energy and get a little of female infections sometimes due to a low pH level. This happens from having too much acid in your body which is my problem.)
3. Overall detoxification. It detoxifies the liver. Helps stimulate cardiovascular circulation.
4.This miracle vinegar helps to break up mucous throughout the body and cleanse the lymph nodes. Believe it or not, research suggests that apple cider vinegar can help with allergies because of its ability to reduce mucous and sinus congestion. When reducing the effects of allergies, it can also help stave off sinus infections and their related symptoms, such as sore throats and headaches.
5.This vinegar is rich in natural enzymes that can help rid your body of candida—yeasts that are attributed to thrush in humans. Candida also is blamed for creating symptoms of fatigue, poor memory, sugar cravings, and yeast infections. (I have issues with this as well.)
6. Reduces heartburn. It might seem like an oxymoron, but it really does help.
4 sliced apples
2 cups of water
2 tablespoons honey
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
- Simmer the apples and water together over low heat until the apples are soft.
- Pass through a strainer to remove the apples.
- Add the honey and cinnamon to liquid and stir well.
- Drink hot!
3 tablespoons of 100% aloe vera gel
1 tablespoon of filtered water
1/8 teaspoon of vitamin E oil
5 drops of Herban Luv Immunity oil
Combine all ingredients in a bowl and mix. Transfer to a 2oz squeeze bottle using a funnel. Shake before each use.
Homemade Sunblock – Lotion (20 SPF)
2 oz shea butter
2 oz coconut oil
1 oz zinc oxide
8 drops of tea tree oil
2. Remove from heat and stir in zinc oxide. Pour into container.
3. Let cool completely before use. Store at room temperature.
Nettle Leaf
Nettle leaf contains an abundance of natural antihistamines and touts many anti-inflammatory properties as well. Therefore, it is super effective in treating all of the symptoms associated with seasonal allergies — i.e. a runny nose, itchy, watery eyes, and sneezing. Nettle leaf is also high in essential vitamins and minerals. The best ways to ingest the goodness of this herb are through an herbal tea infusion or tincture.
1 tsp herbal infused oil. I used calendula and chamomile
10 drops of pure chamomile essential oil. This recipe can be use as is, or you can dilute a squirt in a small amount of water in a small bowl with each use. Which is what I used to when my daughter was a small baby.
Most of these items can be found on amazon. Use a clean bottle to store.
Is your skin feeling tight and dry lately. Everyone who knows me will tell you that I use honey on almost everything. Honey is healing and very moisturizing for your skin.
Directions: Apply honey to your face. Spread and let dry. You will feel the honey pulling and tightening you skin. Leave on for 10 minutes then wet your fingers and rub lightly across your face. Wet your face cloth with warm water and gently wipe your face.
It will leave your skin will feeling smooth, soft and clean. Apply moisturizer if needed. You can also use this on wind or sunburn skin.